View from the plane - Switzerland, the Alpes
Our hotel at the Via Nazionale
Men's Best Friend ....
Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Piazza Venezia
Column of Marcus Aurelius - on top a statue of Apostle Paul
Monument for the Unknown Soldier
Fontana di Trevi
One of the inhabitants of the Colosseo
Art inside the Colosseo
left to right: Socrates, Pythagoras (l.), Cicero
Arch of Constantine
Arch of Titus
* Foro Romano *
House of the Vestal Virgins
Temple of Faustina and Antonius Pius
Palace of the Emperors
* Citta del Vaticano *
San Pietro
Hot line with the Allmighty and Modern way of life
Piazza San Pietro
Swiss Guards
Castel Sant'Angelo
The Tiber
Palazzo di Giustizia
Isola Tiberina with the Ponte Cestio
Villa Aldobrandini
Arrivederci Roma .........