Dear Nanda;
We would like to
thank you for inviting us to your website . We
very much enjoyed ourselves. We especially enjoyed all of your fabulous
pictures!! We of course enjoyed the pictures of your magnificent babies,
but the pictures you took are absolutely fabulous!! We would like to
present you with the award of your choice; "Calvin's Bee-utiful Award".
We would also like to present to you "Calvin & Hobbes Paw Print Of
Approval Award" for we definately approve of
your glorious site!! We would also like to present to you "Buffy
& Suzie's Remembrance Award" in the honor of
your rainbow bridge babies Tarik, S heba, Kishka, Scarlett and Pepijn.
Your memorium page brought tears to Meowmie's eyes !!
She too knows the pain of losing a beloved furbaby. Con"cat"ulations,
and four paws up!!