Key to the FIFe EMS system

All cats with a FIFe pedigree have an EMS colour-code describing the breed, colour and pattern of the
specific cat. Use the keys below to decipher the FIFe´s EMS color-codes.



Category I

Category II

Category III

Category IV

EXO - Exotic
PER - Persian

ACL - American Curl Longhair
ACS - American Curl Shorthair
MCO - Maine Coon
NFO - Norwegian Forest Cat
RAG - Ragdoll
SBI - Birman
SIB - Siberian
TUA - Turkish Angora
TUV - Turkish Van

ABY - Abyssinian
BEN - Bengal
BML - Burmilla
BRI - British
BUR - Burmese
CHA - Chartreux
CRX - Cornish Rex
CYM - Cymric
DRX - Devon Rex
GRX - German Rex
EUR - European
JBT - Japanese Bobtail
KOR - Korat
KBL - Kurilean Bobtail Longhair
KBS - Kurilean Bobtail Shorthair
MAN - Manx
MAU - Egyptian Mau
OCI - Ocicat
RUS - Russian Blue
SNO - Snowshoe
SOK - Sokoke
SOM - Somali
SPH - Sphynx
var = Shorthair cat that carries,
- - - - or may carry the gene for
- - - - longhair

BAL - Balinese
OLH - Oriental Longhair
OSH - Oriental Shorthair
SIA - Siamese
PEB - Peterbald

var = Shorthair cat that carries,
- - - - or may carry the gene for
- - - - longhair
XLH = non-recognized
- - - - - longhaired/
- - - - - semilonghaired breeds
XSH = non-recognized
- - - - - shorthair breeds
non = non-recognized breeds
- - - - - (ex.: CYM non)


Colours - Patterns - Tail - Eye colours





Eye Colors

n = Black/normal/ruddy/seal
a = Blue
b = Chocolate
c = Lilac
d = Red
e = Cream
o = Sorrel / Cinnamon
p = Fawn / Beige
- - - - - - - - - - - -
f = Black Tortoiseshell
g = Blue Tortoiseshell
h = Chocolate Tortoiseshell
j = Lilac Tortoiseshell
q = Sorrel / Cinnamon
- - Tortoiseshell
r = Fawn / Beige Tortoiseshell
- - - - - - - - - - - -
s = Silver / Smoke
w = White
y = Golden
- - - - - - - - - - - -
x = Used to describe a colour that
- - is not recognized for the breed

01 = Van
02 = Harlequin
03 = Bicolor
04 = Mitted
05 = Snowshoe
09 = Unspecified amount of white
- - - - - - - - - - - -
11 = Shaded
12 = Shell
- - - - - - - - - - - -
21 = Agouti
- - - Unspecified tabby pattern
22 = Blotched tabby
23 = Mackerel tabby
24 = Spotted tabby
25 = Ticked tabby
- - - - - - - - - - - -
31 = Burmese pointed
32 = Tonkinese pointed
33 = Himalayan pointed

51 = Rumpy
52 = Rumpy riser
53 = Stumpy (up to 3 cm)
54 = Long (more than 3 cm)

61 = Blue eyed
62 = Orange eyed
63 = Odd eyed
64 = Green eyed
65 = Burmese eyecolor
66 = Tonkinese eyecolor
67 = Pointed eyecolor
- - - (Siamese blue)