CH Kattilan Suomi Neito
Sex female FIN.SRK.RX23362
Date of birth 25 October 2001 Breed Oriental Shorthair
Owner Harry & Nanda Alstede Breeder Eeva Vuojolahti
Colour & Markings blue silver ticked tabby - OSH as 25 Call Name Neito
Comments carries the gene for non-agouti, chocolate and points

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     click the underlined names to see a picture

EP WW’01/’02/'03/'04/'05/'06/'07 Kattilan Ilmari Itäinen DSM

(OSH n 25)  


EC Felitan Fabulous Felix DM

(SIA n) 


Myfun Country Cowboy                                    (SIA n) 

CH Felitan Maverick (SIA n)  
Myfun Penny Candy (SIA a)  
CH Sum Thai Sabrina                                     (SIA n) GC Hautechat’s Franklin                      (SIA a)  
CH Felitan Olivia (SIA n)  

CH Valinorin Vivace      (OSH c 24)  


EC Kaikuniemen Don Ottavio DM                                          (OSH c)  

EP Kaikuniemen Osmin                       (OSH b)  
EC Lilliput Lakka (SIA c)  
IC Kossikat Scatha                                     (OSH a 24)

CH Summermorn’s Arctic

Sunsation (SIA a)                                                                      

GC.RW Kossikat Mon Aimee

(OSH a 23)

CH Felitan Sailon

(OSH cs 24)

CH Korindah Tecumseh Dream

(OSH as 22) 

Korindah Alwayza Classique    (OSH ns 22) Db.GC Korindah Silva Nova               (OSH ns 24)
Arlo Silver Siren                                   (OSH ns 24)
Noblenook Snow Queen            (OSH as 22)

Korindah Limited Edition

(OSH as 22)

Noblenook Eskimo Queen                  (OSH bs 22)

CH Felitan Countess Spotula

(OSH ns 24) 

GC Jemwyck Skywalker                               (OSH ns 24) GC Felitan Argent                                   (OSH ns 24)
Jemwyck Silkience                               (SIA n 21)
CH Felitan Cloisonne                                          (OSH ns 24) CH Felitan Sir Spotsalot                       (OSH ns 24)
CH Felitan Spotsylvania                     (OSH ns 24)  

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