R-pups Van de Romi's Hoeve
Sex 2 males, 3 females Reg.nr.  
Date of birth 31 October 2009 Breed Labrador Retriever
Owner Mira  & Ronald Wormgoor Breeder Mira & Ronald Wormgoor
Colour & Markings  black Call Name R.....

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     click the underlined names to see a picture

Kouros van de Romi's Hoeve

Jayncourt Natural Star

CH Sandylands Gad-About

Sandylands My Guy

Sandylands Bliss

Jayncourt Star-Blossom

Jayncourt Star Tradition

Jayncourt Moonbeam

Gimli van de Romi's Hoeve

Mailiksen Gentleman




CH Strongline's Eternal Flame

CH Mailiksen Lumikki


Whisper van de Romi's Hoeve

CW '02



CH Trendmaker's Tycoon 



Madoe van de Romi's Hoeve


Oré Bodil van de Romi's Hoeve

Wit's End Windfall Flyn O'Hyspire



Dickendall Davaron Gable


Dickendall Arnold


Wolvercote Gaity Girl

Windfall Lubberline Regatta

Hunt Club Clayview Rainman

Windfall's Fortune Cookie


Lizzy van de Romi's Hoeve



CH Guideline's With A Will


Fieldvalley's Fabianco



Winnie's Copy It Right

Whisper van de Romi's Hoeve

CW '02

CH Trendmaker's Tycoon


Madoe van de Romi's Hoeve


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