Chaos in uw stad! -- Chaos in your town!
Klik op onderstaand plaatje, vul je adres in en zie wat er gebeurt!
Click the image below, fill in your address and see what happens!
Zoekplaatje -- Puzzle picture
Zoek de kat - - Spot the cat
Goed kijken! en als het echt niet anders kan klik hier
Take a good look and if you really can't find it click here
Zoekplaatje -- Puzzle picture
Zoek de kat - - Spot the cat
The answer is at
http://www.trappedpets.com/answer_to_spot_the_cat.html if you absolutely
They have a problem with the catflap ...
Cartoon: Jeroen van der Most
Winter 2009/2010
Nap time is over .... wake up!
Vlieg over besneeuwde bergtoppen! --- fly over snow-covered mountain-tops!
klik op het plaatje van de alpinist en beweeg uw cursor --- click the image of the Alpinist and move your cursor around
Men's best friend
Click the image below to see the latest 'Simon's Cat' movie
why it's better to be the boss
any questions?
Ever wondered how a woman's brain works? It's finally explained here in one, easy-to-understand illustration:
Every one of those little blue balls is a thought about something that needs to be done, a decision or a problem that needs to be solved.
A man, of course, has only 2 balls and they take up all his thoughts.
klik op het katje - - click the cat
dubbelklik om hem uit het mandje te laten komen
double click to have him go out of the basket
klik op de plaatjes voor bijzondere films ~~ click the images for amazing movies
- cat herders & cat breeds morphing -
kikker of paard? -- frog or horse?
De echte Bambi en Stampertje - - The real Bambi and Thumper
Door de lens van - - through the lens of Tanja Askani " Alberta Canada "
Klik op de parachute en maak een heel speciale puzzel ~~ click the parachute and make a very special puzzle
1. Open a new file in your PC
2. Name it 'Housework'
3. Send it to the RECYCLE BIN
4. Empty the RECYCLE BIN
5. Your PC will ask you: 'Are you sure you want to delete Housework permanently?'
6. Calmly answer 'Yes' and press the mouse button firmly ....
7. Feel better?
Rare standbeelden van over de gehele wereld ~~ Strange statues from all over the world
klik op de foto ~~ click the picture
Tongbrekers in verschillende talen! ~~ Tongue twisters in different languages
klik op het plaatje: click the image:
gemaakt van drijfhout ~~ made of drift wood
hoeveel paarden zie je? ~~ how many horses do you see?
de pot aan het einde van de regenboog ~~ pot at the end of the rainbow
breng Maukie
tot leven, klik op de ogen
~~ bring Maukie to life,
click Maukie
hoe katten honden graag zouden zien ~~ how cats would like dogs to be
en ~~ and
hoe honden katten graag zouden zien ~~ how dogs would like cats to be
Vreemde maar onschuldige humor / Strange
but harmless humor
klik op de foto / click the image
Click the image for a funny story called 'At the vet'
clean your
screen for free
laat uw scherm gratis reinigen
click the image
click the image for many, many more! A
must for Siamese lovers!
'Eaten garlic again? arghhh...'
X-treme make-over
Whodunnit ?
for Non-pet owners who visit and like to complain about our pets:
1. They live here; you don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture.
3. I
like my pet better than I like most people.
4. To you it's an animal. To me he and/or she is an adopted son and/or daughter
who is short, hairy, walks on all fours and is speech challenged.
Dogs and cats are better than kids. They eat less, don't ask for money all
the time, are easier to train, usually come when called, never drive your
car, don't hang out with drug using friends, don't drink or smoke,don't
worry about buying the latest fashions, don't wear your clothes, don't need
a gazillion dollars for college, and if they get pregnant, you
can sell the results.
radioactieve Oosters Kortharen ~~ radioactive Orientals
klik op het plaatje voor de 'katten-geboden' / click the image for the 'Cat Commandments'
what your cat is doing in the litterbox when you're not looking
Nanda Alstede