= recognized breed in FIFe / erkend ras bij de FIFe
Abyssinian /Abessijn |
Aegean Cat / Griekse kat
American Bobtail
American Curl
American Longhair
American Shorthair
American Wirehair
Asian Semi-longhair
Australian Mist
Birman/Heilige Birmaan
Bombay (British)
Bombay (American)
Brazilian Shorthair
British Shorthair
British Longhair
Burmilla |
California Spangled |
Chantilly-Tiffany |
Chartreux |
Chausie |
Cheetoh |
Colourpoint Shorthair |
Cymric |
Cornish Rex |
Devon Rex |
Don Sphynx |
Dragon Li (Li Hua Mau) |
Egyptian Mau |
European Shorthair |
German Rex |
Havana Brown |
Himalayan/colourpoint Pers |
Japanese Bobtail |
Javanese/Oosters Langhaar |
Kellas Cat |
Korat |
Kurilian Bobtail |
Maine Coon
Norwegian Forest Cat/ |
Ocicat |
Ojos Azules |
Oriental Bicolour/ |
Oriental Shorthair/ |
Oriental Longhair/ |
Persian/Pers |
Persian Exotic/Perzisch Exotic |
Persian Chinchilla & Golden |
Peterbald |
Pixie-Bob |
Ragdoll |
Ragamuffin |
Russian Blue/Blauwe Rus |
Russian White, Black & Tabby |
Savannah |
Selkirk Rex |
Serengeti |
Seychellois Shorthair |
Seychellois Longhair |
Siamese/Siamees |
Siberian/Siberische kat |
Siberian pointed/Neva Masquerada |
Singapura |
Snowshoe |
Sphynx |
Sokoke |
Somali |
Sumxu |
Tonkinese/Tonkanees |
Toyger |
Turkish Angora |
Turkish Van |
Turkish Vankedisi |
York Chocolate Cat |
Ussuri |
Ukrainian Levkoy |
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