photo: Yves Lanceau
breeder: Yvonne Kleijn
A Seychellois is nothing more or less than a
Siamese with white
For The Pigment Parade by Lorraine Shelton (only Dutch)
More about the White Spotting Gene
Vivres 100 Purrcent
chocolate point met
Sire: El Shaklan Vae Victis - Dam: Felides Vivres Purrfait d'Amour
bred by Yvonne Kleijn, Cattery Felides Vivres
Sire: El Shaklan Vae Victis - Dam: CH Byoux van Release
bred by Marjan & Paul Kort, Cattery Van Release
two Seychellois boys bred by
Seychellois chocolate point (SYS
b 03)
breeder/owner: Susanna Zorzi - Cattery Woophy's, Italy
What do Seychellois kittens look like? Here are some pictures from Cattery Tachimas'.
6 weeks later:
out of: Tachimas' Cookie and Cream x El Shaklan Vae Victis
Finally 12 weeks old:
Tachimas' Arsene and Dressedtokill
and their litter sister
Tachimas' Justasiamese
Seychellois kitten (3 weeks) - Cattery Bits 'n Pieces - Anke Verberne
Thea Friscovec
sung to the tune of
"Que Sera Sera":
Seychellois, 'chellois
A lovely new breed are we.
Don't call us a Si-a-meeeeese!
Seychellois, 'chellois
(Song by Lorraine Shelton made after the recognition of the Seychellois)
Seychellois in Art
For more information about the Seychellois
For more information (in French) about the Seychellois
Do you want to know more about the Seychellois? Not only about the cats but also about
the islands, the population, food .... etc.?