Gebruik van kokosolie

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Ranked in the top 10 most important food medicines, coconut oil is a must add to your pet’s diet! With over 13 Evidence-Based Medicinal Properties, the one we love the most is its yeast-bustin’ abilities!

Almost 50% of the medium-chain triglycerides found in coconut oil are lauric acids, saturated fatty acids that our bodies convert into monolaurin. Monolaurin is one of the natural world's greatest antivirals, antibacterials and antifungals. Because they come from natural sources, these fatty acids pose no danger to your pets' bodies, unlike man-made antibiotics and anti-virals.Coconut has been used for wound healing for thousands of years. A new study published in the International Journal of Dermatology confirms that coconut oil aides in treating atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin condition characterized by scaly and itchy rashes.

Furthermore, one study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food found that “coconut oil is extremely effective at killing Candida albicans, a common yeast infection in humans.” Another study published in the Journal of Bacteriology discovered that “coconut oil can help kill Staphylococcus aureus, which is a common cause of skin conditions and respiratory diseases.”

The recommended dosage for feeding is:

• ˝ teaspoon for every 10lbs of body weight daily

Or, if using topically, just rub the oil on your hands and apply to your pet’s coat (remember not to over do it!).

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 interessante website met veel informatie over o.a. ziektes bij katten

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    Informatie over FORL (Feline Tooth Resorption)

Wikipedia - online encyclopedie


  Informatie over HCM (Hypertrofische Cardio Myopathie)

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    Link naar het online boek 'Feline Husbandry' door dr Niels C. Pedersen van UC Davis - gepubliceerd in 1991


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   giftige planten voor katten

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       Informatie over homeopathie

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  Bij de Amerikaanse Universiteit UC Davis is nu een DNA-test beschikbaar waarmee o.a. bepaald kan worden of een Oosters Korthaar al dan niet het gen voor Siamees draagt. Zie onderstaand bericht van dr Leslie Lyons:

I am pleased to announce that the DNA tests for Points and Sepia have been launched by the
Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at UC Davis.
You can now send a buccal (cheek)
 swab into UC Davis and have a cat tested to
determine it's genotype at the albinism locus: cscs,
cscb, cbcb, Ccs, Ccb, or CC. No more guessing as to
whether that cats is carrying points or not! It will
also identify albinism cats and carriers of that
allele (ca).

PKD testing in
British Shorthairs is also available.

for more information

Leslie A. Lyons, PhD                           

 Associate Professor
 Department of Population Health & Reproduction
 School of Veterinary Medicine
 University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 95616

 Lab e-mail:

  voor het laatste nieuws betreffende DNA-onderzoek naar hypertrofische cardiomyopathie (HCM) 

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